Though admittedly not the worst, the human impacts on the Mediterranean Basin could be greatly improved. A crucial starting point is to address the reasons why the local populace is against the protection of its ecosystem. If the reason is economic, such as the argument that protected areas infringe upon logging opportunities, then an alternate or more sustainable solution should be implemented. For example, creating a law similar to the US's Multiple Use and Sustained Use Act of 1960 would allow them to get timber from their forests while simultaneously protecting the forests from being completely destroyed. Better communication and cooperation with the locals could also stop the deliberate start of forest fires, a method the locals often use to protest the creation of more protected areas. Education could also go a long way; if the community is made aware of its unique ecosystem and the danger it's in, they may be more invested in efforts to protect it. Additionally, educating outsiders by encouraging traveling over tourism could help increase outside interest in protecting the Mediterranean Basin's ecosystem. While tourism is often harmful to the environment, travel can be highly beneficial, as it promotes living and learning in harmony with ecosystems such as the Mediterranean Basin. The more people who care about the survival of the Mediterranean Basin, the more likely it is to thrive rather than perish.
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